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The Afternoon: Manhunt underway after mass shooting suspect in Maine, new Republican House Speaker is a nightmare in a Men’s Warehouse suit, Israel ‘s ground operation is coming, plus a wild Japanese law has fallen

Good afternoon everyone on this calm Fall afternoon and welcome to this edition of The Afternoon Report.

  1. A wild law in Japanese that req’d people who wanted to ‘legally’ change their genders has fallen because of one of the requirements in the law itself.

For decades, Japan has required people and transgender people who wish to legally change their genders to allow the removal of their sex organs before they can do so. Japan ‘s highest court this week ruled that the bizarre and inhumane law is unconstitutional and should be reviewed and is expected to undergo extensive legal criticism in the coming weeks as large changes are expected.

2. Mike Johnson the new GOP House Speaker is the exact far-right lunatic you thought they’d nominate to said position. We’re going to go over a brief list of some of the beliefs that the most powerful Republican in the House has.

-Women should not have the right to an abortion.

-Same-sex marriage should be outlawed.

-Johnson also supported the false claim that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump and handed to Joe Biden. He even authored or attempted to author a number of flimsy legal arguments that ultimately failed to help their case.

3. A manhunt is underway this week after a man named Robert Card opened fire on a bar in Lewiston Maine. Card is understood to be armed and dangerous and remains on the run. The area involved is on lock down and residents have been told to stay inside.

Another mass shooting has unfolded in America. According to reports, FBI officers among other law enforcement agencies are searching for a man named Robert Card. Card (as we reported here) opened fire on a bar in Lewiston Maine killing 22 and injuring numerous other people. Card is believed to be severely mentally disturbed and actively has a warrant out for his arrest.

4. Israel has begun targeted raids in Gaza as a full scale ground operation against Hamas looms.

Israel ‘s IDF has begun targeted raids inside the Gaza strip as Israel vows to maintain its violent response to Hammas 7 October attacks on the country. The expected ground operation is likely to have devastating consequences on the strip if not an entire death sentence for even more people. The areas hospital system has collapsed further encompassing the scale of the heartbreaking tragedy.

What’s on TV tonight?

We’re currently watching Nancy Drew on HBO in our virtual streaming room.

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