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Obituary: Playboy Peanut (1988-2020)

Last updated on 2021-01-15

Vine perhaps was best known as the orignation of internet funnies but the news surfacing about Vine isn’t so funny. According to the internet, PlayboyPeanut (see here) has died at the age of 31 leaving behind two sons in Louisiana.

It remains unclear as to how the comedian turned Onlyfans creator actually passed away. To avoid speculation, we won’t say how we were told he died until we receive a confirmation. We have heard varying degrees of causes of death, however, we were unable to confirm them against any available information.

Peanut was perhaps best known for his wildly funny Vine videos back in the day, and of course his wildly gorgeous hair.

Editors Note: The status of this obituary is pending confirmation. An official cause of death is unknown, however, it is known that he died. This obituary will be updated if and when we receive a positive confirmation as to how it happened.

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