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Bazaar Express: US soldiers killed in escalating attack, what’s on TV tonight, intel chiefs in Paris meet to discuss Gaza, plus more top headlines by The Express

Temperatures are dropping and that could only mean one thing well two it’s time for today’s edition of Bazaar Express and your wise wisdom of the day. A wise man once said To discover the true meaning of life one must own both their successes and their failures equally because one can not exist without the other.

  1. What’s on TV tonight

Tonight we’re watching the new SVU and yes it is back every Friday on Peacock people this is not a drill. Yes we are aware that two newsletters the two we publish almost every day give different TV recommendations folks. The Evening Express is done by the PM team and the Morning Express is done by the AM team so the TV recommendations will almost always be different.

2. Ceasefire talks got underway in Paris today but it is unclear to what extent they may have yielded any progress.

Intel chiefs including that of the CIA Mossad and at least one other all gathered in Paris this weekend to discuss a potential ceasefire. According to reports, it remains unclear how the trio may have came to any potential conclusion because the meeting was largely cloaked in secrecy.

3. SPECIAL REPORT: A major escalation in the Middle Eastern conflict unfolding between Iran and the Western world.

4. The latest in Gaza

5. In response to Biden ‘s courting of Black American voters, we took to the social feeds to find out what people had to say about the Democratic party’s efforts this time around.

‘At this stage in our lives most of us have been around for a very long time. Times; things, and values have dramatically changed. Most of us have had an opportunity to live in the world we wanted to live in, we should not be making or taking that decision from the next generation of people. If Democrats are handed power again, they need to think about what’s next. Many of these people in power will be dead in 15 years tops leaving the next generation to pick up the pieces for their fellow people and their families. We cannot leave a government or a world for the younger people in the way or shape it is now. They probably wouldn’t survive that and the first people to blame would be the generation that came before them. Democrats need to stop being selfish and kidding around there are lives at stake here lives that will go on far longer than many of the older folks will even be around’ – Ashley, Houston Texas

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