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New York City is rolling out even more free money for migrants as the city announces pre-paid debit cards for people to buy food and baby supplies

With questions mounting over the sheer cost of the migrant crisis in New York City, New York City continues to open its checkbook. According to reports, the city is expected to begin rolling out pre-paid debit cards to families at the Roosevelt Hotel.

The Lowdown

While some may chalk up New York City’s kindness to humanity, others wonder why thousands of New Yorkers often remain stuck in droves of paperwork to receive that same kindness. According to an announcement, the Adams Administration is rolling out debit cards for migrants that for some will carry up to $1,000 a month for a family of four.

That comes out to about $35/ day for supplies and food. The move comes after migrants reported issues with the food they were being served and are now being given taxpayer-funded debit cards instead. In total, the program is set to cost taxpayers $53m. Some reports suggest that if successful the program will be expanded to include all 15,000 families currently in the city’s care.

Information shows that the program is being administered by MoCafi which is run by a former Wall Street executive Woal Coaxum. It is the latest example of New Yorkers being forced to foot the bill for a crisis they have nothing to do with.

The cards are reportedly intended for use at bodegas and supermarkets, however, it is unclear if there is any mechanism in place that would prevent fraudulent use of the cards.

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