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The Evening: China is sending pandas back to the US to show ‘friendship’, Gaza hospital has completely shut down amid increased violence, what’s on TV tonight, plus more top headlines

Good evening everyone and welcome to this edition of The Evening Report.

  1. Following Xi-Jinping ‘s meeting with Joe Biden in San Francisco, China will now send pandas back to the U.S as a sign of friendship.

China ‘s gorgeous Pandas are coming to America once more. According to reports, following the high-level meeting in San Francisco the two leaders agreed to work on repairing the intensely fraught relationship between the U.S and China.

2. The situation at the Al-Alhi hospital in Gaza has collapsed, the hospital centre is now entirely out of service.

Reports out today now indicate that the situation inside the hospital has entirely collapsed. According to reports, hospital officials announced that all services have essentially been suspended amid the continued warfare. Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) confirmed that because of the lack of fuel all communication services remain down in the area.

3. What’s on T.V tonight?

Drum roll please… tonight we are watching. .. alright folks nobody move turn your phones on silent. The Crown Season 6 has arrived in all its glory on Netflix.

4. A new leaf is being turned in Poland and America should take notice

Poland has been ruled for the last 8 years by a wild right-wing party known as PiS. The party has been accused of everything from hijacking institutions and other proceedings; events, eroding judicial independence, hijacking media freedom, and other typical right-wing movements. The party is set to be removed from power according to The Guardian, however, it is going to take quite a bit of time to undo the hellish landscape that the party left behind.

5. A massive *and we mean massive* haul of fake designer goods was discovered this week in New York City.

According to reports, federal authorities have charged two men with running the biggest ever fake goods ring in the area. The Guardian notes in this story that the two men had hauls up to $1B or more across several storage units. It is one of many examples across New York City over the years with the continued rise of knockoff goods.

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