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Here are 5 new features you can expect to see when iOS17 drops later this year

Alright guys, it’s almost that time of year. This week Apple formally announced its lineup of new products including its long anticipated VR headset. In this guide, we’re going to go through 5 of the biggest new features folks can expect to see.

For a full list of features: See here

  1. Namedrop

According to Apple, Namedrop is coming. Namedrop allows people to customize the screens that others will see on their phone when called. This is a new feature and has long been requested by users over the years. Folks will be able to customize the screen; photo, and the name people will see when they call.

2. Live Voicemail

This one probably will be a hit with many. Apple is launching an additional set to its voicemail offerings. According to Apple, folks will be able to listen to voicemails live even while they are being left and decide whether or not to answer. The feature will not work with Spam calls as phone companies and people battle to stop the influx of such calls across the United States.

3. Mental Health stuff…

This one sort of seems obvious. At a time when many people can use whatever additional means to help beat back mental health struggles, Apple is adding some new features to help people track their health habits.

An update to the Health app can help users track their mental health.

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