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Infamous Australian Mom Maree Crabtree who murdered both of her children has been charged with their deaths in sinister plot

Maree Mavis Crabtree, 57, of Maudsland, is heinously accused of murdering her 18-year-old daughter Erin in 2012 and her 26-year-old son Jonathan back in 2017.

In Australia, a shocking tale of murder involving a Mom and her own children is coming to a head. According to reports, Maree Crabtree who is accused of drugging her own daughter Erin to death and later doing the same to Jonathan while having gone on a cruise together has been charged in their deaths. Jonathan later died of the same cause in 2017. Initially it was suspected that suicide may have played a role, although following investigations it was later determined Crabtree was a suspect.

Crabtree on her part, intends to ask the Crown Prosecution Service to allow both murders to be tried separately. It is unclear if this will be allowed. In the case, Justice Davis ordered the Crown to prepare formal arguments why the odd application should be rejected. It is scheduled for additional review on 18 October.

But her crimes weren’t just about murders. Maree Crabtree was also believed to be quite the con artist according to the prosecution.

According to separate parts of the case, Crabtree is also charged with varying forms of fraud. During the lives of her children, she had orchestrated a reported scheme that involved giving them heavy medication in order to keep them bedridden. Prosecutors allege from there that she would often claim disability and insurance payments before and after their deaths.

Crabtree is therefore charged with one count of attempted murder, one of torture, two of fraud, and four of attempted fraud.

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