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Just How Dangerous Are Vaping Kits in the UK?

While vaping has been recognized by Public Health England and the United Kingdom National Health Service as a remedial measure for smoking cessation, many individuals have their reservations regarding e-cigarettes and vaping products. While vaping enthusiasts rave about the different benefits of vaping over conventional cigarettes, anti-vaping lobbyists often come up with false news and agendas surrounding the supposed harms associated with vaping kits. Other than the fact that vaping kits often tend to heat up, there doesn’t exist any plausible and concrete evidence concerning harms associated with vaping kits. Listed below are some of the concerns that individuals have with their vape kits, plausible reasons why those concerns exist:


1. People are often concerned how vape kits contain nicotine

Anti-vape lobbyists often claim how vape kits contain nicotine and how its harmful to the human body. However, nicotine is present in regular cigarettes as well and is essentially harmless. The harmful smoke associated with regular cigarettes is a product of the chemicals burning that are a mixture of tobacco and other harmful chemicals. Vape kits are completely free from any such associated chemicals, tar or carbon monoxide. While nicotine is a part of most vape kits, it is completely harmless and in fact nicotine replacement therapy is widely used all over the world to help people quit smoking.

2. People are often concerned how vape kits tend to heat up

While the concern that vape kits tend to heat up is a valid one, there are several reasons why this happens. Vapes tend to get hot due to negligence exhibited by users in their vape kit’s maintenance. It is essential that users look after their vape’s coil, and adhere to the right practices while puffing on their vape. Long and consecutive puffs are likely to get heated up due to the power being supplied to the coil for it to be heated. If you feel your vape is getting hot and the vapour coming out of it is pretty hot as well, you may need to stop continuous usage and allow your vape to cool down.

3. People are often concerned how vape kits may be risky to use for pregnant women

While there hasn’t been much research in this area and pregnant women haven’t been tested for the effects of vaping, it is probable that vape kits and vaping are much less harmful than conventional cigarettes for pregnant women and their baby. Pregnant women that are smokers are recommended to use nicotine replacement therapy, nicotine patches and nicotine gum to help them stop smoking. Additionally, if pregnant women find it difficult to stop smoking simply with the support of NRT, they are advised to use e-cigarettes and vapes as they are much obviously safer than conventional cigarettes and the lesser evil.

4. People are often concerned how vape kits may pose a fire risk

While there have been instances of vapes and e-cigarettes catching a fire or exploding in the past, those have been a result of negligence by users in most cases. Since e-cigarettes and vapes are rechargeable electric devices, it is essential that users only use the correct charger respectively, and that they don’t leave them on charge overnight or unattended.

5. People are often concerned how vape kits affect passive smokers

There exists little to no evidence that vapes and e-cigarettes cause harm to the people in the surrounding of a user. However, when you compare such claims or concerns to passive smokers of conventional cigarettes, the impact of the harm cause by e-cigarettes is minute in comparison to that of regular cigarettes. The smoke or rather vapour coming out of vapes doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals whatsoever, and hence does not affect passive smokers and doesn’t cause them any harm either.


It is essential that individuals do some research before purchasing a vape kit or before coming up with opinions regarding its usage. Individuals should invest in good quality vape kits that come with absolutely all necessary accessories such as batteries, USB charger and a few trial flavours.


Users should do appropriate research and consult vape users or retailers regarding any doubts or concerns they may have regarding their vape kit. They should ensure that they receive unbiased and knowledgeable reviews.

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