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America has another young white male mass shooter, but let’s call him what he is

Raleigh’s infamous shooter has been identified as white teenager Austin Thompson, 15, a crazed teenager understood to have secretly had a disturbed past.

Thompson, right, is the shooter that went on the latest American murderous rampage.

Editors Note: Per our policies, we generally do not name or picture young teenagers or children in publications. Thus this is in the name of public information and safety for our American readers therefore this will be the exception.

Thompson is understood to have murdered numerous people including but not limited too his own family. They have been identified as Susan Karnatz, 49, Nicole Connors, 52, Mary Marshall, 35, and off-duty police officer Gabriel Torres, 29, along with his own brother James, 16.

According to reports out Friday evening, it remains unclear how Austin got his hands on the rifle he used to slaughter his victims.

Thompson joins a long line of twisted domestic shooters in America against the backdrop of a rise in heinous crimes committed on U.S. soil. This shooting came on the same day fellow killer Nikolas Cruz avoided the death penalty for his own crimes that resulted in the deadliest mass shooting ever recorded in America.

His rampage only came to an end after he was barricaded in a barn for several hours after terrorizing his neighborhood. Reports indicate he remains in critical condition in the hospital though it is unclear how his condition got that way.

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