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GOP star witness Devon Archer who is testifying today is actually apparently a fraudster and a criminal trying to evade accountability for his bizarre actions

In GOP fashion it wouldn’t be a GOP-led hearing if there wasn’t a criminal willing to go on the line for them even amid serious questions about Devon Archer’s credibility given his shocking past with fraud stuff.

Initially, GOPers tried to claim that reported efforts to lock Archer up for his role in a Tribal scam were efforts by the DOJ to silence him. However, Archer’s own criminal acts as laid out by the Department of Justice shouldn’t go ignored. According to the DOJ, he was actually sentenced to a year and a day in prison over the fact he was involved heavily in a scam involving tribal bonds that were later proven to be worthless.

According to the case against him (and it’s pretty wild), he and a list of accomplices defrauded a tribal organization out of tens of millions of dollars after getting them to shell out for bonds that weren’t actually worth much of anything. From March 2014 through April 2016, DEVON ARCHER, Bevan Cooney, John Galanis, Jason Galanis, Gary Hirst, Michelle Morton, and Hugh Dunkerley, were all involved in the massive scam according to the announcement from back in February.

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