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Profiling the rise of the far-far-right and the dangers they pose to modern society-at-large

The rise of the far-right has become increasingly alarming in recent years, with far-right ideologies and rhetoric becoming more prominent in the political sphere. As a result, it is important to understand the dangers of the far-right and to be able to recognize it in order to fight against it. The far-right is often characterized by its extreme views on immigration, race and religion, which can lead to racism, xenophobia, and bigotry. It is also often associated with nationalism and authoritarianism, which can lead to oppressive policies and laws.

Far-right groups have also been linked to violence, particularly in the form of hate crimes. These can range from physical attacks on individuals, to attacks on religious or cultural institutions, to targeted online harassment. Far-right groups may also resort to terrorist tactics in order to further their agendas. The far-right also has a history of attempting to curtail civil liberties, such as freedom of speech, press and assembly.

They often attempt to limit the rights of certain groups of people, such as those of a different race, religion or sexual orientation. The far-right is also known for promoting conspiracy theories and misinformation. This can lead to dangerous and false beliefs, which can have serious consequences for society as we know it.

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