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McCarthy sold out the House to hardline far-right GOPers, at what cost will that come to America?

Kevin McCarthy the newly minted House Speaker has not only won House Speaker but has done so at what is being called a huge cost to the House and ordinary Americans. As many reports show, Speaker McCarthy gave in to hard-right detractors and provided a series of concessions that otherwise are set to make the House nearly ungovernable unless the far-right gets their way. It all but means that the members of the far-right have now ascended to even further power in the United States government and it is causing much concern across political party lines.

As The Hill notes many including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have all sounded the alarm on the move. Pelosi had previously eliminated the single-member vote idea in the previous two Congresses but McCarthy has reinstated it. Many fear that the new rule will allow his most far-right members to hold the idea over his head to further push their agenda or else.

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