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An Italian town is joining the game of trying to convince people to move into its city, this offer is pretty good for folks looking to start over

Several towns across Europe have over the years entered the struggling game of convincing people to move to their towns in an effort to revitalize their towns. This time the Italian town of Presicce is entering the arena hoping that with their cash offer to help along the process, folks from anywhere in the world will decide to hightail it to Italy for a new life.

Presicce is a gorgeous Italian town that actually dates back to the Middle Ages. For centuries known as just Presicce, it merged in 2019 to become Presicce-Acquarica having joined a nearby town to create a much larger area.

According to CNN, here are some of the details about the scheme. Folks who decide to apply for the chance will be given 30,000 euros (split into two payments) to help along the process of buying a home and if needed to give it a fresh makeover. Many of the homes have already been designated (the ones that authorities hope people will buy) for the project. According to information from the scheme, people would actually have to buy any of the homes from authorities built before the year 1991.

For more information about the scheme visit here.

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