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Ozy Media seriously has some explaining to do amid reports of FBI investigation

One of the world’s biggest media brands is in apparent trouble. According to reports, Ozy Media is under investigation by the U.S FBI after its COO allegedly misrepresented himself as someone from Youtube in order to speak to someone from Goldman Sachs about a round of financing.

It gets pretty wilder from there. A jaw dropping New York Times report published Tuesday revealed that Samir Rao is under investigation by the FBI after impersonating one Alex Piper. The problem with his impersonation is that goldman Sachs’ exec reportedly e-mailed Piper after the ordeal where he then learned that a confused Piper was never actually part of the call. Reports indicate

Google quickly learned of the rouse. According to the Times report, Google quickly alerted the FBI to the rouse who then launched an investigation because well impersonanting a major corporate executive especially in this sense to gain financial means likely is a crime.

It does appear that Rao is now back with the company although it is unclear exactly in what capacity.

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