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What Does The Future Hold For The Education Industry?

Last updated on 2021-07-01

The more we change, the more we need to adapt our education system to embrace technology. Despite what many people think, classroom tech doesn’t make you lazy or distracted. It engages you at a different level. If education providers want to keep up-to-date with the growing demands of the 21st century, they need to start using technology to their advantage.

Many tech trends are currently shaping the future of the education industry. We must be resilient and leverage them. But what does the future holds for the education industry? Let’s find out. 


The image we have of teachers standing in front of students in the classroom is something from the past. The future of education embraces connectivity and reciprocity. Kids will no longer be a passive group sitting in front of the teachers’ desks. They’ll proactively participate in their education. This kind of reciprocity makes students more engaged with the class. 

Besides, connectivity means they’d be able to learn from anywhere they are at any time. The definition of a classroom will surpass everything we know today. Remote learning will become more common. 

Personalized Education

Doctors provide different treatments for each patient, the same should happen in the education system. This could be one of the most positive outcomes from the combination of tech and education. Personalized learning provides even results regardless of each individual’s learning capacities. 

The goal is not that students learn anything at a certain time; it’s simply that they learn it at their own pace. Forcing students to learn through a uniformed education model isn’t the most efficient way to teach. However, tech tools could help students learn according to their capacities. A great example of this is how students with unfortunate disabilities can write their notes by using voice commands. In the future, we may see more of these trends. 

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is an interactive experience of digital images superimposed on live content. Virtual reality, on the other hand, is an AI-generated simulation that humans can interact with. Imagine what teachers could do with such tools? They can travel to Egypt, Mars, or even go back in time without leaving the classroom. 

Many museums are already using AR to create an interactive experience for their visitors. They can learn in a whole new level of engagement. Some of these museums are The National Museum of Singapore, The Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC, and The Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto.


Artificial Intelligence engines are programmed to mimic human behavior. An AI-driven device can perform any type of task we program them to do. Therefore, we can surely leverage that in the education industry. AI makes it possible to personalize the delivery of information and assessments.

Teachers would then assume the role of a facilitator that provides software with the lessons and eventually designates all tasks to each individual student. AI could also be used for academic research and discovery. Enhancing research capabilities with AI could help students focus on the learning process. 

Encourage Soft Skills

In such an evolving world, the best thing we can do is embrace our soft skills. Although hard skills are still vital for education, soft skills help students find innovative solutions to everyday problems. Education will be focused on employment and the challenges they’ll face at work. 

Some of the most relevant soft skills in the future will be: 

  • Resilience: This will help students adapt to any situation. 
  • Logical thinking: Students will be able to develop problem-solving skills with logical thinking. 
  • Innovation: The only thing we certainly know about the future is that it’s in constant change. Therefore, students with innovative skills are more likely to have a successful career in the future.


In the future, teachers’ roles will be focused on what matters most; helping students learn at their own pace. Personalization will be a key factor in the future education system. It’ll be the teachers’ goal to help students take risks, be innovative, and become problem-solvers. The teachers of the future may also be prepared with data analysis skills to come up with actionable insights for their teaching strategies. 

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