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Pornhub is big mad, but it wiped unverified content, but wants other sites to follow suit — here’s what they mean

In wake of Pornhub ‘s stunning decision to wipe millions of videos from its servers —- many are wondering what’s next for the site. Well for starters, look no further than their apparent statement where they maintain nothing was wrong but call for other sites to disallow non-verified content across the board.

In a statement (see here) the site calls for others to follow suit because they maintain that if they’re guilty of illegal content so is everyone else. Vice was first to report the stunning move, although there appears to be likely more moves in the future. Other sites are however expected to implement their own modern changes but Pornhub was among the most known of offenders.

If you’re wondering what Pornhub is referencing — look no further than Twitter. While Twitter openly allows adult content (as it states such which is protected by “Sensitive Material” warnings) Twitter does have its own unique problems. Among those being stolen content; spy-cams, spy-cams in public bathrooms, and more. Although Twitter isn’t likely to remove in exodus adult content, er, it is likely to implement changes to such content according to at least two experts.

Certainly nobody is calling for an end to porn, thus, there could be a little more protections involved for those consensually involved and those not so consensually involved.

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