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Understanding the “ads” on our pages and other widgets

I’ve had some questions recently about the advertisement placements on our website and such. We actually have minimal advertisement placement epecially on articles themselves. The “in” article ads are real advertisements — while the content directly below an article aren’t actually ads they’re related content.

Meanwhile the “Search Bar” that appears above videos and just above the header is actually not an ad it is an internet search bar. People have loved it so far so we’ve left it there. It is for you guys to be able to search the internet (we don’t track searches by the way.)

*The box of links and articles below articles aren’t advertisements at all. I’ve gotten that question a few times this week from people that were a little confused thinking they were all ads. We have always ran minimal ads on this website. That box is there to show you guys more content after you’re done reading.

-The Team.

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