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Trump ‘s vast legal network revealed + a reminder about voter intimidation

A new report by Politico.com on this Sunday afternoon is plenty reason to raise a few alarms among voters. According to that report, Donald Trump has for the past several months up till now been building quite the legal network in an alleged effort to dispute election results.

Politico claims that the impeached-President in fact has hired thousands of lawyers; volunteer attorneys, and poll watchers for the caped-crusade hoping it sways or frightens voters.

Editors note: We’d like to remind Americans that voter intimidation is a crime. It is your right no matter who says so to approach the polls and vote. On Election Day, if you’re approached by an “attorney” or another rogue actor — please report that to election officials and the authorities immediately.

This hirings matter because the Trump Administration, including Trump himself, has packed the court system and now the Supreme Court to lean in Republican favour. A disputed election that would almost universally end up in the court system would mean that even if Biden won —- Trump likely could have that vote overturned because of the court system.

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