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The hard up MTA is seeking to join a lawsuit that it has nothing to do with in an effort to get a billion dollar insurance payout

An insurance payout based on a natural disaster rather than something like actual damage because of something that could’ve been prevented. The cash strapped MTA which has recently drawn the ire of much of New York City (including some of our own editors) is attempting to cash in on a suit that actually involves a restaurant group based in Texas.

The Lowdown

A suit dating back to the days of the onset of COVID is now making headlines. According to Gothamist, it’s making headlines because the city’s MTA has joined a restaurant operations group in attempting to get a billion-dollar windfall via an insurance payout. In the stunningly laughable attempt, the MTA claims that COVID contaminated the surfaces of its trains among other things — therefore it caused physical damage to the trains.

Ever wondered why New Yorkers don’t like the MTA? This hilarious post on X sums that up in 2 minutes or less.

Physical damage that didn’t actually happen. For the first time in more than 100 years, the MTA was actually forced to clean its subway systems during the onset of the pandemic. One might wonder why this wasn’t a regular thing, but then one must remember that these are the same people who spent tens of millions of dollars to install fare-beating gates that a 5 year old could’ve swindled.

The problem with the MTA’s attempt is that they’re not being honest. Subway cars among other things before the pandemic (and the forced removals of homeless people) were notoriously disgusting. This has always been news to a single party: the MTA.

But back to the lawsuit. Gothamist notes that the lawsuit started because of a suit filed by Consolidated Restaurant Operations Group who owns a vast number of restaurants. In their version of the complaint, they similarly claimed that the pandemic caused physical damage to their restaurants — although the judge in the case doesn’t seem hip to the cash grab.

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