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This a reminder to Americans who act ignorant of their own ‘constitution’ that some claim to cherish more than ever before

Against the backdrop of religious extremism; gun violence, and more there is another big discussion in America that some seem to be scratching their head at. We’re talking about that of the U.S Constitution the document in which right-wingers notoriously cherry-pick in their effort to diminish and discriminate against others while protecting themselves and their friends.

Let’s dig in. This article was inspired by Texas’s recent passing of a bill that otherwise requires schools to display prominently all 10 Commandments. This disregards the faith of others; teachers, faculty, and generally everybody involved in favour of pushing Christian dominance.

Let’s point to an example here. In an 1802 letter (and perhaps the most famous historical mention of the very phrase itself) Thomas Jefferson referenced the phrase and made it clear that such existed regardless.

In 1947, in Everson v Board of Education, the Supreme Court also relied on Jefferson’s letter and use of the phrase to enact a strict line between church and state. In that case, the First Amendments establishment clause was applied to the states.

Notably, the fight for ‘religious freedom’ in Virginia arguably could be considered ground zero for what would become of the ‘separation of church and state.’ In the preconstitutional days, it was a much different ballgame for many areas of life.

These are just some of many examples where the separation of powers have almost always been acknowledged and adhered within. Republicans want to change this so that they can make America an alt-right hyper-religious country.

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