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SS Showdown: Republicans say they won’t attempt to gut Social Security but they *ARE* trying to raise the retirement age

Against the backdrop of a debt ceiling showdown; a banking collapse, and the general decline of life in America some Americans may soon find themselves working longer if Republicans get their way. Republicans like Louisiana Senator John Kennedy are among those pushing for discussions (although likely to go no where at this time) to raise the retirement age against those who are currently in their 20s.

Right now the retirement age per the Social Security website is about 65-67 years old (generally when most are accustomed to kicking up their feet in their golden years.)

‘For people who are in their 20s, their life expectancy will probably be 85 to 90,’ Kennedy said in an interview with Fox News. (Editorial policies bar us from linking to this particular article after the disclosure in Fox’s Dominion lawsuit that they have been knowingly lying to their viewers for years.)

‘Does it really make sense to allow someone who’s in their 20s today to retire at 62?’ he said. ‘Those are the kinds of things that we should talk about, there are changes in Medicare that we should talk about.’

Elsewhere in the GOP sphere none other than GOP Presidential contender Nikki Haley is also in favour of raising the retirement age even though the government is largely responsible for Social Security potentially going insolvent.

‘It is unrealistic to say you’re not going to touch entitlements,’ Haley said on Fox News.

‘The thing is you don’t have to touch it for seniors and anybody near retirement. You’re talking about the new generation, like my kids coming up,’ she added.

American friends and I cannot say this loudly enough. Social Security is only an entitlement because folks have been forced to pay for it their entire lives. Americans are entitled to Social Security for this reason. GOPers are making it sound like it is some boogeyman type entitlement when it isn’t.

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