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Start your day here: Bye Bye Boris, America moves on abortion protections and more

Happy Friday folks and good morning to all. Grab your lattes, your morning rewind has arrived.

1. [TOP STORY] Boris Johnson has resigned as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Boris is out. After several controversies; failures, and extraordinarily bad gaffes Johnson has resigned as Prime Minister. Updated plans for choosing the party’s next leader will get underway next week while Johnson plans to stay on as PM until his replacement is chosen.

2. Multiple reports suggest Joe Biden is preparing to move on abortion access in America.

See here.

3. Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has been assassinated

Former PM Abe was reportedly at a campaign event yesterday when he was shot upon in the chest. According to early reports, the suspect has been identified as Tetsuya Yamagami. The 41-year-old has since been arrested and charged with Abe’s assassination but not before shockwaves were sent through the country. Gun violence is considered very rare in Japan.

4. The infamous Buffalo massacre is now facing the death penalty: Reports

Payton Gendron, 19, who shot up a predominately Black supermarket in New York several weeks ago is getting closer to learning his fate. According to reports, prosecutors are exploring the death penalty against Gendron for his heinous racially motivated attack on Black people.

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