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Elizabeth Holmes latest testimony might be the one that sinks her and sends her to prison

In most criminal trials especially federal ones the defendant typically doesn’t say things that could help the case against them. But for one Elizabeth Holmes that memo apparently didn’t come in time before her latest testimony in the trial that made revelations nobody saw coming. In the testimony, Holmes admitted to an open court that she knowingly added the Pfizer logos(among other drug makers) to Theranos reports to make them look more compelling than they actually were.

It only gets stranger from there.

When it comes to her blood testing technology and how it was tested in-lab that’s a whole different story. Testimony heard so far throughout the case has revealed a few compelling lies. As the AP reports, Holmes knowingly lied to her employees during her tenure as to why they couldn’t actually test the devices with another device called Edison. Despite what Holmes has claimed previously, Edison apparently had a number of issues that weren’t known to everyone resulting in the need for third party labs.

In the same testimony, Holmes maintained the wild claim that there were other executives who helped her along with decisions like that of defrauding other people’s logos.

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