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Since the onset of the pandemic, more than 8million Americans have fallen into poverty

That doesn’t include the millions that were already in poverty and barely getting by as they had made due with what they had. So it could be faithfully argued that not only is America in a dire Coronavirus crisis —- an even larger crisis a poverty-stricken one looms.

Researchers at Columbia University in New York shared today a vital study that appears to shed light on an economy that is far from recovered in the United States. In that study, researchers found initially what was 6m Americans forced into poverty but then a second form of the same study found as many as 8m Americans. Under U.S guidelines, a person who earns less than $26,400 is considered federally to be at or well beneath the poverty line.

The study estimates that millions more could slip into what is known as deep poverty if economic relief isn’t soon to come out of Washington. Deep poverty is federally defined as any singular American or persons who makes less than half of the $26,400 to be considered along the baseline of poverty.

Via The New York Times

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