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UN warns a famine of biblical proportions may be on the horizon

The UN ‘s World Food Programme has a dire warning for nations struggling to contain shipments and ensure food arrives in timely fashions for markets and their people. According to the Food Programme director, a biblical-type famine may be on the horizon for some nations as food shortages are almost inevitable.

Director David Beasley was already sounding the alarm even before the COVID-19 crisis broke out. Beasley says that nations like Africa (whom is suffering from not only COVID-19, but also locust swarms); Ethiopia, others facing frequent natural disasters, and then of course wars in places like Syria and Yemen — are all but inevitably on a crash course for major food shortages.

“In a worst-case scenario, we could be looking at famine in about three dozen countries, and in fact, in 10 of these countries we already have more than one million people per country who are on the verge of starvation,” he said to the AP.

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