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The Local: Diddy’s key to NYC revoked, what’s on TV tonight, pols are pushing for ‘Sanctuary City’ revocation, a tornado ripped through NJ, plus more top stories from around NYC to start your day

The Local is an American newsletter covering all the offerings and happenings and the unusual throughout the five boroughs of New York City.

  1. What’s on TV tonight?

Tonight we are watching Under Paris which is new this month on Netflix.

2. Pols are pushing for a few changes to NYC ‘s notorious sanctuary city status.

There’s a new battle brewing over NYC ‘s infamous ‘sanctuary city’ status. According to The Post, a renewed effort has come amid the border ‘crisis’ and the rise in crime in New York City.

3. A tornado hit NJ last night flipping over cars and causing damage.

According to reports, a tornado hit NJ last night and destroyed parts of neighborhoods and flipped cars.

4. NYC ‘s subway system is failing and without the congestion pricing funding it would’ve gotten it will only get worse.

Look no further than this article in Gothamist.

5. Albany is now coming for your apparent right to wear a mask on the subway because after all public health concerns are a thing and COVID hasn’t exactly gone away either.

Gothamist has the story.

6. Diddy ‘s key to the city has officially been revoked, good riddance and goodbye.

Following backlash over the video that proved he assaulted Cassie, the disgraced music producer returned NYC ‘s key to the city following Mayor Eric Adams’ request.

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