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Sam Bankman-Fried is a free man at least for now while he plans and awaits trial for his massive fraud case

Conman Sam Bankman-Fried is temporarily a free man after his parents helped spring him from jail in New York. According to reports, Sam’s parents posted equity from their Palo Alto California home that in turn partially satisfied part of the $250m monster bail placed against Bankman-Fried as part of his ongoing proceedings against him. His parents Barbara Fried and Joseph Bankman have taken a huge gamble against their home as it is unclear if anything Bankman-Fried says or does can actually be trusted. As it turns out, according to other reports, his parents were required to put up their home as collateral in exchange for his bail being granted at all.

It is being reported that the home has a value of $4m a far throw from the once $74m estate Bankman-Fried calld home in the Bahamas just weeks ago before his fraudulent lie unraveled. Sam has also reportedly been given the ability to shop online though purchases aren’t allowed to go over $1,000 unless they’re legal fees.

Bankman-Fried will have to remain under house arrest throughout the trial.

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