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Start the Day: Putin ‘s nuclear threats, NYC ‘s fallout map, where to apply for US student loan forgiveness

Good morning on this chilly Thursday everyone. In this morning’s guide, we’ve got allot to talk about including a map that has surfaced online showing old fallout shelters that appear to partially still be functioning in some ways. Gather around and don’t forget your coffee.

  1. A Google user has surprised New York City with a gift that could potentially save many lives in the event Vladamir Putin pulls the nuclear trigger.

View it here. The map has detailed those old and still partially functioning most of which were initially used during the height of the Cold War. The point of a fallout shelter is to protect from nuclear radiation. New Yorkers just to be safe should take a look and in the event of an emergency add them to your disaster awareness plan. Even if one may not be fully functioning, the bunker likely still can provide a safe haven from radiation. One should remember, however, to have food; resources, and other essentials in said disaster awareness plan just in case.

2. Russia is playing with fire, but for how long nobody knows. Reports of an open-air nuclear test appear to suggest Russia is moving its nuclear arsenal closer to the battlefield.

U.S intelligence reports paint a picture of a Putin that is a Putin-ing. Vladamir Putin is no stranger to outside threats to the West a part of the world he sees as essentially a ‘sin’ rather than something positive. Intelligence reports suggest that Vladamir Putin is preparing for Russia ‘s first open-air nuclear test since the 1960s. It is unclear just how extensive these tests may be however they do appear to have spooked the Americans.

3. Somehow Prime Minister Liz Truss still has a job despite sinking the U.K into a literal shitshow.

Nobody can deny that Liz Truss must resign.

4. Dear America, you’re going to want to see this come tax time so stop what you’re doing and take a look.

New IRS adjustments have been announced hand in hand with soaring inflation. This means that some people are likely to see bigger checks next year in regard to their pay. Take a look by clicking here.

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