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A judge in Texas just ruled employers do not have to provide healthcare access to PreP (the meds that prevent HIV)

Texas is at it again attempting to strip away even the most common sense of human rights and fairness. According to a new ruling out of the state, a judge has ruled that employers are not required to under their healthcare plans provide access to PreP.

EDITORS NOTE: If you are in Texas and your employer attempts to hit you with this never fear. There are plenty of fully legal options to circumvent this. Check out HeyMistr


What is Prep?

Pre-exposure prophylaxis is a medication that can be used by anyone to help prevent the transmission of HIV. Despite efforts by churches and religious Christian fascists in America — neither of these two things are exclusive to the LGBTQ+ community. Just because you are straight does not make you immune from HIV.

For those that may not know PreP is a medication that prevents the transmission of HIV it does not cause it. Furthermore, this affects everyone because PreP is not exclusively taken by members of the LGBTQ+ community. Anyone and we mean anyone can get HIV it is not exclusive to members of the community. This is dangerous and this judge should be disbarred.

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