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Chips for popular devices may become hard to find as Russia limits exports of rare gases

Just as the world hopes to get back up to speed Russia appears to be ready to stop that from happening. According to translated media reports from Russian state media agency TASS, the government is limiting the export of gases commonly used to make the chips (and semiconductors that help make them) found in a raft of consumer devices including washing machines and the very mobile phone you’re reading this article on.

 It is called inert, or “noble” gases, including neon, argon and helium to “unfriendly” countries at the end of May according to the report from TASS out at the end of May but apparently just now being noticed by the masses. The move does appear to be politically motivated by Putin in an effort to force his hand with “unfriendly countries” aka those in which oppose his unlawful invasion of Ukraine.

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