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As outrage over the right ‘s treasonous riots in the Capitol grows, the right seeks to blame “Antifa”

The far-right knows no bounds in its efforts to remain lawless in America a land in which they claim is the land of Law & Order. Amid emerging reports that the crowds who broke into the Capitol were largely Trump supporters; white, violent, and anything but Antifa — they’re looking for someone to blame.

Allegations of Antifa involvement first appeared on sites like Gab.com and Parler but were amplified even on the Senate floor thanks to people like Matt Gaetz. Gaetz is a known Trump supporter both in and out of Congress and is a frequent source of misinformation often on very large scales.

First and foremost, it’s worth mentioning that the nod came from an article in the Washington Times. A source that is often discredited and tends to be very far-right leaning. Gaetz claimed that an article that claimed facial recognition found that Antifa members attended the riots was “at best compelling.” According to Gaetz’s Twitter page, he later acknowledged that he was unaware whether for not there was actual truth to the report in itself.

Gaetz is only one of many Republicans currently trying to blame anyone but themselves. But this time they must be held accountable.

It’s completely worth it here to note that many Trump supporters actually live-streamed their crimes in the Capitol.

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