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McConnell ‘s never ending war on the “Struggling American” continues because politics

If there was ever a true time to despise American politics now would likely be the time for most. As talks of COVID related relief once again kickstart this week, many are keeping their eyes on McConnell and what he plans to do to help aid the passing of such legislation yet again. The problem with that, however, is that McConnell ‘s latest offering has no extended unemployment benefits at all.

Earlier this year, McConnell was at least willing to go to an extra $300 a week as a supplement to the dangerously high volume of lost wages and paychecks seen across the United States. That has now changed as both sides are duking it out over a piece of legislation, that, if not passed is expected to dramatically hit more than 12m Americans where it hurts the most.

The pandemic related relief programmes that were launched earlier this year were a broad project in their own right. There are no other programmes that help people in gig work and related fields. Many once they had learned they qualified for pandemic related unemployment assistance physically depended on it simply because their jobs were in direct-line of the Coronavirus.

With the virus now taking hold once yet again, McConnell ‘s failure to address the need for additional benefits is not only telling but a mere blueprint for likely what is to come under his leadership once again.

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