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T.V Review: Dynasty (“She Cancelled”)

SPOILERS AHEAD… Read at your own caution.

Episode: She Cancelled, Season 3

I’ve got to say as a modern reboot meant to appeal to the younger crowd, the CW ‘s Dynasty season after season has proven to be the over-the-top scandalously delicious treat T.V lovers needed. These days, quarantine has brought me even closer to T.V ‘s dearly beloved Fallon & Alexis Carrington.

Season 3 thus far probably has been Dynasty ‘s best yet. With the help of movie icon Elaine Hendrix (think: The Parent Trap), The Carrington drama is so deliciously scandal these days — (“She Cancelled”) is a no brainer. In this episode, Sam is about as horny as ever even damn near being bamboozled by a known criminal he quiet has the hots for (he’s seriously not fooling anybody.)

This time around, Dominique Devereaux is as trashy as ever pushing that god awful reality show on people. Daughter in turmoil; Culhane still as fine as ever, the trio plots their way to reality T.V stardom in exchange for Culhane and his tragically misunderstood girlfriend retaining their relationship.

But if you thought Dominique was leading the pack for trashiest mother of the year — you obviously haven’t been paying attention to the other Mom. Liam ‘s mother holy-fucking-shit-my-god-run-as-fast-as-you-can.

MAJOR SPOILER: Cristal ‘s trifling ass is sleeping with the preacher she has on the board for her veteran ‘s project at the hospital. Not only is she banging the preacher, Blake is getting handsy with Liam ‘s mother whom ins’t aware that she’s being played in an effort to get CA back to its rightful Carrington owners.

Perhaps the delightful turn in this episode, indeed is when Blake appears to have gotten a bit of a heart and instead of intentionally sabotaging Fallon and Liam he informs them exactly what Liam ‘s mother is attempting to do. Three’s a crowd right?

Episode rating: 3.5 stars

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