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Elite charity exposed as an entire horror

The Dorchester Hotel in London is pictured.

The Dorchester Hotel in London is typically home to some of the most respected events in Europe, although, this time — it’s in the headlines for all of the wrong reasons.  In a shocking expose for the Financial Times,  two female reporters went undercover to the event to work as hostesses — what they found next was horrifying.

In the expose, the two women revealed they were among the 130 female waitresses tasked with wearing skimpy black outfits; matching underwear, and high heels.  Among the hot button comments of the night?

The event, known as the President’s Club Charity Dinner,  is usually of the highly respected types.  And in general, like this year, it raised upwards of $2.8m for charities across the world — including one highly respectable hospital.    But, the women of the event, were subjected to some pretty gross things to make that happen.

One woman, per the Times, was subjected to men forcing their hands up her skirt while attempting to grope her butt.  Another, pointed out,  that she was forced t o dodge an unwanted kiss after being told to go upstairs.

The charity organization hung up the phone when  confronted by The Daily News for comment on this story.

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