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NASA is preparing to send an expedition to Jupiter ‘s moon Europa — here’s what to know in the great Space race

ASTRONOMY & SPACE is back and while I sip this latte for the third time since noon — I’m thrilled to bring you this week’s space news. This week NASA has confirmed that in 2024 it will embark on a mission to a little known moon surrounding the world of Jupiter. Astronomers and researchers are particularly going to study Europa which is understood to contain the elements required to likely host some form of alien life.

Exciting news in the Space race this week. According to NASA, in October 2024 an interstellar mission called Europa Clipper is set to make way for as you guessed it Europa. Europa is one of Jupiter ‘s 79 moons and is among the likliest of candidates according to many scientists to probably host some form of life in; on, or underneath the surface of the moon. The moon is understood to contain more water than all of earth combined.

Galilean moon as it is called or referenced as circles Jupiter about every 83 hours. “Clipper will conduct detailed reconnaissance of Jupiter’s moon Europa and investigate whether the icy moon could have conditions suitable for life,” Nasa writes on its mission website.

Clipper will arrive in the area of Europa and Jupiter in 2031.

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