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Report: NYPD preparing to strip Donald Trump of his right to carry a weapon following felony convictions in NYS

Donald Trump is about to find out what happens when you’ve been convicted of a felony crime. According to reports, the convicted felon is expected to lose his license in NYS following an investigation by the NYPD.

The Lowdown

According to CNN, NYPD officials are preparing to revoke Trump ‘s license to carry following his convictions. On a state level and federal level possession of a firearm by a convicted felon is a serious crime. CNN notes that the NYPD has already gathered at least two weapons that Trump was licensed to carry with a third believed to have been moved to Florida.

Authorities are understood to be searching for that weapon as Trump would be in violation of multiple laws if he actually does. It is thought that he moved the gun to Florida when he decided to take up residence at Mar-a-Lago.

Trump is expected to challenge the revocation considering he holds the 2nd amendment ‘close’ and has made such a huge part of his ongoing campaigns for President.

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