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The gem in Camilla’s Crown is the stolen Kohinoor diamond from India and they should give it back

Royal crowns are nothing new in the United Kingdom, however, many of the gems that are in them actually did not originate in the U.K and were often stolen or swiped from other countries throughout time. This time we’re talking about the ginormous Kohinoor diamond which was originally mined in India somewhere between the 12th and 15th centuries (the exact date isn’t quite clear.) The gem has notoriously changed hands many times involving everybody from Pakistan to the U.K to Queen Victoria and beyond though it still originated in India.

If King Charles III is true to his word and intends to change up the monarchy entirely, he should start by ordering stolen gems returned to where they came from. If the Monarchy cannot prove they mined it or found it — it doesn’t belong to them.

Originally the massive gem was believed to be about 800 carats entirely making it probably one of the largest in history and bigger than most people have ever seen with their own two eyes. According to reports, the gem is actually now in the Crown that was once worn by the Queen Mother which will now be worn by Camilla. Critics though are now arguing that Camilla should forgo the gem and return it to its rightful owners. The first claim by the English to the gem came after Punjab’s annexation in 1849.

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