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As expected, Ethan Crumbley (yes the school shooter) is planning to use the insanity defense in a desperate bid to escape his crimes

Ethan Crumbley one of many in the long line of American school shooters plans to use the insanity defense in the trial against him. According to reports, the disgraced murderer plans to use that defense in regards to his murders in which he committed way back on 30 November.

Regardless of that fact, prosecutors are proceeding with charging him as an adult for his crimes though things are expected to get murky from here on.

On Thursday, his reported legal team filed papers in the court system signaling that a psychiatric evaluation is imminent to determine if he understood what he had did. Critics might argue that he in fact did considering credible allegations of a journal have previously surfaced according to multiple reports.

Under Michigan law even using the insanity defense he would not walk free. Instead he would be referred to a psych ward for further treatment; evaluation, and custody.

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