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‘Stunning lapse in judgement’ police officer who abused his position to have sex with vulnerable female student found guilty in disgusting case of abuse of power

A former Manchester police officer has learned that one way or another justice indeed does come knocking.

The Lowdown

Shamraze Arshad a former Manchester area police officer was found guilty this week of abusing his position as an officer back in twenty twenty.

According to the case, Arshad and a partner were called to the unidentified 21-year-old’s student accommodation on Oct 28 2020 but instead turned the ordeal into a nightmare. During the four-day trial at the Liverpool Crown Court, Arshad and his partner were called to the accommodation over the young woman having been suicidal at the time.

The case also revealed that Arshad was ‘found to have after his shift ended for the night’ used his police authority to track down the young woman’s personal information after he had already submitted a care plan and had her hospitalised.

As the case closed, Arshad ‘s shocking behavior was truly revealed when prosecutors disclosed that in the months following her release from the hospital — he made every move possible to have a relationship with the young woman in which he met when she was in no shape to be in a relationship. He was ultimately found guilty of having innapropriate sex sessions with the young woman while on duty.

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