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What is a Body Farm?

One of the most interesting questions we received for our new “Forbidden” series is by far: What in the world is a body farm.? While I don’t want to know why that is a question or why some are wondering that is I took the deep dive into finding out exactly that. Before the question was posed in our series inbox, I had no idea such things even existed.

You could probably argue that I was equally grossed out as I was deeply intrigued.

According to U.S records and researchers, a body farm is a research-type facility where you guessed it dead bodies are studied in various forms of decomposition. The studies help people like scientists; law enforcement, researchers, and so on study the remains of those who die whether by natural causes or something far more sinister.

Body Farms exist in very small quantities. According to what I was able to find, there are only about 5 in existence in the United States the most famous being in Knoxville Tennesseee. The purpose of body farms has become so important over the last century, mankind likely would not have some of the modern advances we do (think along the lines of forensic science) without them.

They could also be technically considered an alternative to a funeral and the like.

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