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Bazaar Express [UK] – What’s on TV tonight, the most annoying restaurant in Greece is at it again, checking in on the Royal Family, inside Downing Street, plus more top stories this afternoon

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to this edition of Express UK. Before we begin, we’d like to remind holidayers and vacationers that a particular restaurant in Greece is still apparently intentionally overcharging for their menu items — travellers should beware.

  1. What’s on TV tonight?

Tonight we’re watching the Football Fraudster which is trending now on Netflix.

2. Infamous Greek restaurant bar DK Oysters yes that DK Oysters is back at it again hugely overcharging customers for fairly ordinary meals and of course double-charging for drinks.

Travelers should beware. Before heading out for holidays or vacations this season or both be sure to avoid DK Oysters in Greece. According to their latest online reviews, it is not exactly a shocker that the infamous restaurant is apparently scheming again.

3. King Charles is getting into gear ahead of the Trooping of the Colour ceremony which marks his official birthday.

According to the Telegraph, the Royals are getting into gear for the big celebration although there are a piece of other royal news coming down the pipeline. The Telegraph also reports that Prince Harry and Princess Meghan have long had a secret home in Cotswold and it appears that they may be headed for a potential royal reconciliation. Some reports suggest that the Princess may appear on the balcony on Saturday.

4. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak apparently really really wanted this stamp.

PM Sunak is catching some flack for an apparent taxpayer funded stamp purchase that was first reported by The Independent.

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