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A Louisiana TV anchor is out of a job after it was revealed he secretly has been texting an underage ‘girl’ who actually turned out to be a predator hunter

Bill Lunn appears to have learned the hard way about doing things you’re not supposed to be doing. According to reports, Lunn an anchor out in Louisiana has quit his job after a bizarre and illegal encounter was revealed.

The Lowdown

According to reports, Lunn who was a top face over at KTSB in Shreveport apparently had believed that he was sexting a 15-year-old girl but instead what he got upon meetup was unexpected. Local reports say that Lunn was instead met by a trio of vigilante ‘predator hunters’ who caught the married man in the act of trying to meet an underage girl.

The brave vigilantes Antonio Coleman, Kameron Kennon and Kataurio Grigsby told NBC6 all of the shocking details about the encounter.

Photo Credit: Bill Lunn / Facebook

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