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News outlets in New York are getting a lifeline, here’s what to know

According to a new piece of legislation, a law unironically dubbed The George Santos Prevention Act is meant to provide financial means to news outlets throughout the state that have been affected by industry-wide declines.

The Lowdown

Following the passage of the state’s recent budget deal, news outlets in the state are getting a lifeline thanks to a three year program born from the deal. According to the program, a single news outlet can receive up to $320,000 annually in tax credits.

What is the program?

The program is offering up $90m towards the state’s news industry as an effort to keep it afloat. News outlets across the U.S have suffered in the digital age; on top of loss of advertising revenue, among other factors that modern day presents.

Backers of the law named it after George Santos because of the shrinking number of journalists in New York’s media landscape — who had there been sufficient numbers probably would’ve caught Santos before he made it to Congress.

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