
We’ve heard the complaints and seen the e-mails. Now we’re excited to announce the return of games and crosswords in our newspaper. The first crossword for tomorrow has been published.

Here’s what else is new at Bazaar Daily.

  1. Crosswords are back every Monday.
  2. We’ve got a new editor Shelly from Phoenix Arizona. She’ll be covering mommy topics; food, photography and other fun topics.
  3. Crosswords and games will remain free as per our tradition that we never have and never will charge to access this newspaper or its contents.
  4. The Crown Store is proud to present Shelly Ann Creations the latest edition to our store offering boutique accessories; handmade crochet items, wares, and more [and special requests.] SAC is the first member store to join The Crown Store as Bazaar Universe seeks to expand its retail offerings online.

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