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Rishi Sunak shocks with declaration that over eighteens shall be forced to serve one year in the armed forces upon graduation as election ‘season’ gets underway

A shocking new plan has youngsters across the UK talking. According to an announcement from Downing Street, Rishi Sunak has announced that should conservatives win the election compulsory military service is coming.

The Lowdown

Sunak ‘s plan which is almost certain to be met with equal part opposition as divided opinion would go into effect in September of next calendar year according to the workings of the scheme. In the same announcement, Sunak attempted to paint the announcement as a larger portrait of ‘what it means to be British.’

Some reports suggest that Sunak ‘s plan was drawn up entirely in secret with only his closest inner circle keen on the details. It is the latest effort by the conservative party to drum up its election interest as it falters in polls across the country.

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