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Despite the conspiracy theories going around online Project 2025 is a real document and we’d once more like everyone to take a look at that

Welcome to a special edition of Bazaar Insider where we talk about what’s going on online offline and everywhere in between. In this edition, we’re going to discuss what appears to be a number of conspiracy theories — that suggest somehow a document called Project 2025 is ‘not real.’

The Lowdown

First and foremost this is a blatant lie folks. This document is readily avail online for anyone to read and freely consume. Don’t worry we’ve taken the liberty of adding the document to this article because people need to take this seriously this is coming directly ‘from the horse’s mouth’ and you know what they say about that.

The document is not some far-left manifesto; it had nothing to do with Barack Obama, Hillary ‘s e-mails, or any of the other unusual and random conspiracy theories that the far-right cooks up. This is a document that comes from The Heritage Foundation in cooperation with the Trump campaign. It aims to dramatically rewrite American life essentially turning the country over to hyper religious lunatics who want to infuse religion into every aspect of American government and beyond. But the document is far scarier than just that little bit right there.

We’re going to let you take a look for yourselves though.

They’re loudly telling America what will happen if the far-right takes over the White House. The call continues to come from inside of the house brought to you by a convicted felon.

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